Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10 projects

 This is a design logo that I made for a shirt.
 In this self-portrait photo I added a background. I put some pictures of what I like instead of pictures of me in there. 
This is an old picture of a little kid that I restored. In this picture I used the clone tool and the healing brush tool.
 In this photo I used the old phone and a bull rider. The phone is suppose  to be the bull. I think that it turned out okay.
 This is the "any project you want to do." I just did a similar project from earlier this year and made the dog have a cats head.
 This is a movie poster of Grown Ups that I put my face into.
 Sports Illustrated magazine that I put my face into. This was a soccer edition of one. 
 This is a design logo for OHS that I made. I added the black background and the pictures to show the sports that we have in our school.
 "Colorize a black and white photo" In this picture I made the smart car black and white.
This is a picture of a fictitious surfers book cover that I made.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is a collage that I made for the stuff that I am thankful for.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Photo Actions

This week we did photo actions and in this picture the action was to whiten Cody teeth.
 This action was to make it look vintage. I thought this picture would be could because of the railroads.
This is a picture of a barn for this action I used a brightness one, I think it turned out ok.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tilt Shift photos

 This week we worked on tilt shift photos. This is one that I did of an abandoned airfield. I think that it turned out okay.

 This is a picture of one of the world cup stadiums. On the picture I added the blur around the stadium but also changed the brightness to focus your attention on that one thing.
 This is a picture of O'Neill that I found and i made it lighter and had to change some settings.
I thought this photo would be good because it has a lot of buses and it would make the effect be greater.

Friday, November 5, 2010


 This is a picture of Brazil that I got off the internet and added the text to it.
 This is a picture of the Empire State building that I made the shadow lighter on it because you couldn't see the detail on the building before.

 This is a shed that I changed the color of the roof to blue.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is a Halloween picture that I made. I made the stamp of the pumpkins then added a black background and some text.

I made a skull in the moon to look scary in this photo.

  The new movie Saw 3D is coming out this Halloween and I made a photo from the movie. I had a texture brush around the man. then I added the text.

This is a picture of the guy from Nightmare on Elm street then I made the picture brighter and added text.

Friday, October 22, 2010


This is an Air Jordan brush that I created and made it with two different colors.

This is a Graffiti Brush that I downloaded from Google then I added them to this old building.

I took a picture of the Eagle off the OHS website then I made it into a brush, then made the eagle small so I could make the word Eagle in the picture.

This was the very first brush that I created and I just made it really simple to learn how the brushes work.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Own Tutorials

In this picture I watched the tutorial on how to either use the dodge tool, burn, tool, or the sponge tool. In this photo I used the burn tool to make the bananas look more ripe.


In this photo I made it black and white then I erased some of the black and white to bring out the color. I also added text to this photo.

This is a picture of the word Google off the website. I just took a screen shot of it. Then on photo shop I added some filters to make it look different.

This is a picture of the eagle. I used a paint brush tool to paint the blue around it. I also added some text in the photo.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Black and White and adding a text line

 This is a picture of a Lamborghini Reventon, in this picture all I did was make it black and white. Then highlight and color in the Lambo.
 This is a picture of Sue, Crick, and Turner, in this photo I made it black and white then highlighted the players, jerseys and helmets.
 In this photo I added the text.
This is a picture of a skier from Montana. I added the Toy Soldier Productions, which is what there name is called.

Friday, October 1, 2010


In this picture I tried to do the Lamborghini tutorial. Some of the steps were not finished because I could not figure out what to do.

Friday, September 24, 2010


This is that old photo that I did and I changed the ground color and I changed some of the different types of colors.

This is a Panorama of inside the Activities Building.
I think that it turned out well.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Horse Fly

On this photo I changed the horse's head to look like a fly's head and made the horse's fur look brighter.

SpiderMonkey kangaroo

This is a picture of a spider monkey and a kangaroo that I combined. I didn't do anything else to this photo.


This is a picture of a Gorilla and a Giraffe's head that I cloned. I altered the background a little bit and then changed the color of the Giraffe's neck to look like the Gorilla's fur.

Friday, September 10, 2010


This is a picture in the gym that I took. I added a texture to it and made the picture black and white.

This is a picture of stair that I added a texture to. I also lightened up the color on the blue and white.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Strong center of intrest

In this photo I made it black and white. I also added a sketch to it. This is an example of strong center of interest.

Angle of Perspective

This picture is an example of Angle of Perspective. In this photo i added some artistic filters.

fill the frame

This is a fill the frame picture. I darkened the sky and added some affects to the cement.

lines that lead the eye.

On this photo I highlighted some things to make them a little brighter, and I used a sharpening tool. This is an example of lines that lead the eye.